Friday, 4 June 2010

A Delicious Fragrance.

Walking along the terrace to continue planting my geraniums, I encountered a delicious fragrance. Close inspection revealed that it was a combination of wisteria and choisya. How could I not have noticed this before? The wisteria is planted in poor soil in-between the patio slabs & has endured severe pruning and neglect to allow the progress of our various building projects. Yet, in spite of all this it has rewarded us with stunning, fragrant blooms! That's what I love about plants they don't judge you or harbour a grudge about the way that you treat them, they just strive to do their best!

I just have to mention the ruby rock roses planted around the L'Heure Bleu seating area . These hardy plants originate from the rocky parts of the Mediterranean. They are drought resistant and low maintenance What more can you ask?