All this excitement over 'the Olympics' is contagious. We are proud to announce that we have our own star performer, right here in the garden, the 'Pheasant Rose'. His brief was tough; create beauty and fragrance on a steep inaccessible hillside; with access limited to a goat track! In other words make a silk purse out of a sows ear! Well, he's certainly risen to the challenge with style. What a spectacular display this rose is giving this year. It fulfills so many requirements: scent, ground-cover, abundant blooms! This is the most vigorous of the game bird series. Full, pink blooms are carried in trusses over olive foliage. The creeping habit & repeat flowers make it an all round winner. We are delighted to see that poppies have self-seeded amongst his flower-heads, adding nature's essential glamour. It's all in the accessories!