Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Garden Contemplation

 What does the garden say?

 Carpe Diem - Seize the Day.  Creativity is the life force within; learn from the past, be aware of the horizon but most importantly inhabit this day.  Ground your senses into the stage-set that is now, for it is the only thing that is real, tangible and maliable.  Look with interest at the people you meet; ask their stories, discover their compass point on the map and seek their perspective.  Dive for the pearls and age old wisdom that they carry within, offering some of your own in return.

Forget the what ifs that hold you back, the inherited conventions that are not your own.  Look on with wonder and an inquiring mind.  Look beyond the mundane for the miracles that abound. Dare to trust your intuition, let your senses be your guide, your gut will always tell you what's true.  Do not be afraid; experiment with things that are different and join the network of conscious thought that joins us all.