Thursday, 7 June 2012

River of Iris

The beginning of June heralds the flowering of the Iris River in our L'Heure Bleu planting.  Its course stretches from the flamboyant Rose Nevada to the depths of the Smoke bushes which border the ancient woodland.  Today, through the fine drizzle, the Iris glisten; resplendent leaves fluttering gently on the breeze just like Flags... a reference to their regal history and common name. 

I love the history and symbolism associated with this elegant summer flower.  Her name dates back to the Greek Goddess Iris, a messenger to the Gods on Mount Olympus, who was seen as the link between heaven and earth. The translation of her name is Rainbow, her three leaves representing faith, wisdom and valour.

  We planted the Iris to give the illusion of a river running through the rose garden, it provides hours of pleasure as we imagine the pageant of bees and insects travelling from the Lazy Hazy Afternoon planting to the sultry L'Heure Bleu which represents dusk.  The concept of the river as a transport system and sustainer of life is magical and adds a beguiling dimension to the garden, transient though it may be.  For me it provides a platform for the imagination, a whimsical portal between heaven and earth.