Thursday, 21 April 2016

A Celebration of Colour and Scent

There it is again, just ahead of me, on the air... elusive, a mere suggestion, I wonder if I am simply imagining?  But no, there it is again, hovering like a humming bird around the edge of my nostrils, teasing me, tempting me, drawing me forward.  A Thumperesque twitch sets the senses in motion, triggering nerve synapses, revitalising my system; vision sharps whilst shoulders relax, the quest intensifies as I scour the hedgerows for the source of this intoxicating scent.

Buds of Mai form parasols over newborn lambkins nestling close to their mothers in grass;  all the while the scent flickers on the breeze, teasing me...  Then without warning, the purveyor slips into focus, peeking just above the camouflage of the wild garlic, the lapis bonnet of a native bluebell sways gently on the breeze.

As my eyes attune to the hue of blue, I notice that these harbingers of Spring are ribboning along the coppiced path, stretching their graceful necks towards the shards of sunlight piercing the emerging overhead-canopy.  The fanfare of royal blue announces the arrival Spring, the season of sunshine and showers, and celebrates the 90th Birthday of our Queen!