Sunday, 10 July 2016

Meet William Lobb.

The moss rose is a charming addition to any garden.  Vigorous and heavily scented, it is a showstopper with a foppish, charming habit.  Our moss of choice is the delicious, aubergine William Lobb.  In late spring, as we battle to cut back his winter-brittle, spiteful stems, I question our love affair with this expressive rose.  However, come June,with the sun at its zenith, all is forgiven as new shoots run down the stone wall and skip along the terrace, laden with musk scented blooms

The downy heads of  new blooms exude rose oil from the moss covered buds, as well as the petals.  With youth, the velvet moss-spikes are tactile and soothing; time spent in quiet contemplation with William Lobb is soothing and uplifting, a wonderful metaphor for life's journey and our innate capacity to allow space for forgiveness and transformation in our lives...

I'm just popping out now to spend some time with William; allow him to work his magic. I will ask permission to take his photo, then we can all share a little of his magic.